Saturday, November 14, 2009

Packing List!!!

As some of you may be getting ready to go abroad this winter break or next semester, I thought it might be useful to include a packing list.

You'll surely receive some lists from your program and/or from the Office of International Programs at IC which will remind you to bring things like sneakers, clean underwear, and photos from home. But here are some important items that they might not mention and that us study abroad alumni found particularly useful while we were abroad.

  • 3 oz. travel-sized container set and quart-sized ziplock bag (found for $3 at Big Lots); if you have your own containers and bag you're all set, but this is a convenient way to make sure you're abiding by the TSA guidelines about bringing liquids/gels/creams on the plane
  • a pocket-sized calculator for currency conversions (can also use a cell that you bring or purchase there)
  • Charmin-To-Go or tissues if you're not sure if the bathrooms where you're headed have toilet paper
  • Purell! a life savor for when your hands get super dirty from travelling
  • a plug adaptor (to change the shape) and a convertor (to change the voltage): You can find these at Radio Shack or potentially other electronic stores. The ones you want to buy depend on where you're going (they should specify on the back of the package). Also, check the electronic devices you're brining because some will need the convertor (as I found out after my battery charger went up in smoke) and some won't (my laptop didn't).
  • peanut butter is hard to find in Europe and other parts of the world. Bring a huge jar if you can't live without it.
  • a hat, sunscree, and sunglasses if you're going somewhere sunny
  • a swimsuit no matter where you go- you never know
  • extra pairs of contacts and/or glasses (if you have/need them)
  • special shampoos or face washes if you need them and aren't sure whether or not they're sold where you're going
  • snacks and other food for when you're travelling (you could buy this when you're there, but it's just a reminder so that you don't have to eat out for every meal when you're away from your home-base)
  • a webcam with microphone if you plan on using Skype while abroad (, highly recommended and it's free!

Also, we wanted to emphasize some important items to bring that ARE listed in the Study Abroad Handbook you'll receive at the madatory study abroad information sessions before you go abroad.
  • a good-sized, sturdy backpack for travelling
  • souvenirs/small presents and/or photos from home from your new friends and host family
  • a money pouch/fanny pack to keep your money and passport close to you at all times
  • an umbrella
  • a small, battery-operated alarm clock (you could use your cell from home or there for this)
  • a small first aid kid (make sure to include ibuprofin, tums, antibacterial cream, bandaids, etc)
  • comfortable walking shoes
  • comfortable traveling clothes (Although you don't want to take up too much space in your luggage since you can always wash these while traveling. Also, you'll probably buy some clothes there.)
  • medications
Planes don't allow you to bring more than 2 large suitcases and a caryy-on. This should give you more than enough space for the things you need to bring. It's true that you don't want to overpack. You'll probably buy souvenirs there to bring some so you'll want that extra space, and it really is a pain to drage around 2 huge suitcases with you when you're moving from place to place.

I hope this was helpful! As always, let us know if you have any questions or additional suggestions for the blog! You can either leave a comment on the post or shoot me an email at

Go forward with purpose!

-Samantha Wolfe :)


  1. Hey Samantha!
    This was a good post to make because I've been wondering a lot lately how much to pack when I study abroad(even though I'm not going to London until next spring! lol. My parents are looking at luggage already.). Is bringing two suitcases or one super-huge suitcase (as in checked luggage, in addition to a carry-on) considered unusual for a student going abroad? How many clothes did you find yourself needing when you went abroad, mostly casual stuff or a lot of nicer stuff too? I'm sorry if this is such a general question. I don't want to end up being that girl dragging around the two huge suitcases, but I don't want to forget anything either.
    Thanks! ~Adrienne

  2. Hi Adrienne!

    Glad to see you found it useful and that you're already thinking about study abroad plans. :)

    I brought two big suitcases myself. I'm not sure you'll even be able to bring one super-huge suitcase because there are limitations on the weight and dimensions of the luggage (maybe you could still bring it but just have to pay extra?). I met some people though that only brought a big hiking backpack plus their carry-on and that seemed to work the best (as long as you can really limit what you bring).

    As far as clothes...I overpacked. Really, I would bring enough clothes for a week or a week and a half and then just wash them. I didn't need very much nicer stuff, but if you plan on going to a lot of fancy places that might be different for you. ;)

    No Problemo!
    -Samantha :)
