Friday, October 16, 2009

It's Finally Here!

Want to hear more about IC students' experiences studying abroad? Feeling a little lost in deciding where to go, what to pack, how to pay for it?

If you've already been abroad, have you had a chance to connect with others about their experiences? Do you want to share some advice with future study abroadees?

Then you're at the right place! This blog is designed to open up communication between Ithaca College's study abroad alumni and every other student that's considering study abroad. The Office of International Programs (located on the first floor of CHS) is a great place to start and the director of study abroad, Rachel Cullenen, is super helpful throughout the process. But if you want to get a picture of what studying abroad really looks like and how to prepare for it, here's where you'll hear from students who've been all over the world who want to help you get as much as you can out of your time abroad.

In the upcoming posts you'll find information about study abroad scholarships, photos from other students' experiences, tips on how to get ready, useful websites, and answers to your pressing questions about study abroad. Speaking of which, please leave a comment with any question you might have about studying abroad. It could be anything from what was your favorite memory, to how do I get a visa (or what is a visa in the first place, hint: it's not a credit card), to what's the weather like in Nigeria. We really want this to be an interactive community that encourages and excites you to study abroad. If there's ever something you want to know more about just let us know.

Also! One of the best ways to get an idea of what your experience will be like is to meet with a student who's been there. Leave a comment and let us know if you'd like to meet with someone who's been on your program and we'll hook you up.

So don't forget to keep checking back for new posts with the tried-and-true methods and tips from your very own IC study abroad alumni!

-Samantha Wolfe
Class of 2011
Sociology Major, French Minor